Interbrand has released a list of the 100 most valuable brand in 2013.
The leading position has been won by Apple, whose brand showes a 28% growth and value of 98,3 billion $. Despite the impressive growth, the Cupertino company was not the fastest growing brand of the list last year. Google has placed itself second, with a 34% jump, while Facebook and Prada has grown with a rate of 48% and 30%. Impressive, right?
On the other side, we have to face the decline of some giants like Intel (-5%), Sony (-8%), MTV (-12%) and Nokia. The last one has won the sad prize of the fastest fall in the survey, losing 65% of its brand value.
Let's see the main points of the survey:
- Coca-Coca fell to the third place. Technological brands, such as Google and Apple, were predicted to gain the top places of the annual Interbrand list a long time ago. Coca-Cola is still efficient and an outstanding brand marketer, but other IT brands are growing their importance on the marketing panorama.
- There were no entrants in the top 10 this year. In the total list, 3 new entrant have appeared: Discovery (#70), Duracell (#80), Chevrolet (#89).
- The most valuable brands are American (57 brands on the list), followed by the European ones.
- The luxury industry gained some very interesting positions. Hermès benefited from a 23% increase in value, rising 9 spots and gaining the number 53. Prada recorded one of the fastest growth and Cartier raised to number 60.
Image credits: Interbrand
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